
Age: 28 Height: 4'11" Tribe: N/A Nomadic Traveler Social WU/T :) <3 Sexuality: Pansexual / Panromantic
Likes: Music, Arcane Arts, Fashion, Puzzles, Tests of Strength/Will, Helping those in Need
Dislikes: Social Injustice, Lack of Resolve, Intolerance to Change
Personality: Amaris is friendly, affectionate, curious, empathetic, and carefree. She is always looking for the good in everything and is loyal to a fault. Amaris can also be a little shy, stubborn, explosive, overly protective and sassy.
Odd Jobs: Amaris is always ready to invest in the community, often taking on support roles. When in need of coin she is willing to accept contracts including but not limited to: healing on the battle field, providing transport or catering an event.
Nicknames: Ris / Ama - Only one special Lala calls me Ama. She's stabby and my best friend.


Amaris was always viewed as a bit odd by the others in her tribe. She often challenged their traditions and struggled to conform to their rules. After coming of age, she decided to leave in order to freely and peacefully live in a way that better aligned with her views. Along her journey she discovered her affinity for healing and focused on strengthening her aetheric connection. Her passion for adventure and longing for deep personal connections drives her to travel across Etheirys acquiring knowledge and life long friends along her journey. Being a bit of an outcast was hard on her for a long time. She'll be forever grateful for one fateful trip to Ul'dah. With the help of pure dumb luck, she managed to find a wonderful group of like-minded individuals who accepted her into their little family.

SFW Gallery <3

^ Credit for the above photo goes to Fritz <3 ^

NSFW Gallery <3 (18+)

^ Credit for the above photo goes to Fritz <3 ^